want to be a part of out of rage?
Follow the link below to join our online platform for creatives who want to work with Out Of Rage, including exclusive access to our journalism and photography opportunities!
We will do our best to get you the best opportunities in music. From attending shows and festivals to getting early access copies of albums to review. Interviewing and editorial opportunities are also catered for. ​
Out Of Rage offers opportunities regardless of background or opportunity, so anyone can get involved. We started our platform to remove the boundaries within our industry. Allowing you to learn and devellop skills is what we love to do!
We currently separate our opportunities into writing and photography categories. However, you can participate in our online community as much as you like. You don't even need to contribute to be a part of it. Our network is a safe, inclusive and LGBTQIA+ friendly space.
When you sign up, you will recieve an email from our team inviting you to our platform. Except from rare occassions, we will only advertise our opportunities there, including any online workshops. Lots more information including guides and instructions for using our platform will be made available once you sign up.