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LIVE FROM THE PIT: Bob Vylan, Hyphen and CLT DRP

Will Freeman

The crowd in need of political catharsis is met with the best band to administer it.

The first band on tonight is 3-piece electronic punk band CLT DRP. The two standouts of

their sound are the impressive vocals and the manipulation of a single guitar. Punk isn’t a

genre known for it’s vocals being great, typically most bands are lyrics first vocals second.

Yet seeing a band that combines both within a punk context is wonderous for an opening act.

The use of guitar in CLT DRP was impressive seeing where the guitarist could take the

songs with differing combinations of pedals giving each song a new flavour. As a 3 piece

band it’s hard to create a full sound with limited instrumentation, yet CLT DRP gave a

powerful albeit short set.

Next to take the stage is rapper Hyphen accompanied by a guitarist and drummer initially.

Hyphen exudes charisma on stage, from his choice out stage outfit being the campest short

shorts, to funny quips in between songs. This unapologetically political set touches from

everything that has been in the backdrop of culture for the last few years. Anti-tory songs

featuring witty lyrics that help set the mood that tonight is about rebellion not complacency.

High energy is the key to the greatness of this set. From coming on stage to the Backstreet

Boys to running through the crowd. The crowd receives every complaint against the system

with open arms. Hyphen matches the attitudes of the crowd making everyone feel seen and

heard. One of the great joys of this set was when Hyphen brought on a trumpet player.

The trumpet makes any set infinitely greater adding that extra element of natural energy to the set. Hyphen gave the crowd the perfect energy to be ready for what was about to come

Both CLT DRP and Hyphen have set the perfect tone for Bob Vylan. Both bands reflect the

two primary camps Bob Vylan fits into. CLT DRP being punk and Hyphen being rap.

Bob Vylan walk onto stage with a crowd in need of some release from the chaos of the world that week. The set starts with Bob Vylan “stretching and mediating” accompanied with the bands signature sound. The audience try to follow along best they can in the limited space of the venue. This gets the moshers ready for the night as they seem ready to go as hard as they can. After the relative calm of the stretching the band tares into the first song. The crowd explodes with energy, passion and love for the band. The band leads the crowd through the perfect tonic for the last week. This follows with the talk between songs being cool and collected when the world seems anything but. The band gives thanks to everyone who made tonight possible from opening bands to crew. The band gives its biggest thanks to the crowd for listening to the band no matter when they first found them.

The band keeps bringing energy tonight with every song treated as an anthem of rebellion and passion. A few more songs hit the crowd like a thunderstorm of music and then the band brings their charts award for number one hip-hop album. The band aren’t fully a rap band nor are they fully punk they are simply Bob Vylan. Their sound reflects the last 30 years of British alternative music with elements taken from many areas. This is the future of music, sounds that don’t need genre, existing as they want not being forced to change. The crowd reflects the vast appeal of the band from Radio 6 dads, punks, young people looking like they were taken directly from Reading and Leeds festival, hip-hop heads. The crowd is full of everyone who exists near any kind of alternative music.

The music speaks fully but the staging adds to the energy tonight. The band’s best moments are heightened by the use of pyro, the stage metaphorically being on fire becomes a reality. The band is at one with the crowd, crowd surfing, singing while joining in with the moshers. The band are everything you want in a live act, energetic, passionate and playing nothing but bangers. Bob Vylan are really of the best acts to come out the UK in the last 10 years and they will keep getting bigger. They have almost universal appeal with their sound and can fit neatly into many scenes. They are a definite must see band.

Words: Will Freeman

Cover Photo: Jake Griffin



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