Originally from Reading, this 3 three-piece math-punk band is sure to heighten your senses with their exquisite use of electronics and noise. Masquerader features bass, drums, electronics and vocals, utilizing each instrument in unique ways, focussing on creative noise and electronic build-ups. Their upcoming release ‘Closer to Death’ coincides with their first ever tour of back-to-back dates, kicking off on the 26th of February. The band will be making noise in Brighton, Portsmouth, Bristol and Exeter. The band’s Spotify description states “spinning heads and keeping crowds guessing”, which is definitely the perfect way to describe this EP!
'Closer to Death' drops you into a world of abstract synths and intricate structures. Starting with ‘Vertical Video’ we are immediately immersed with little introduction, with a short rave-style build-up and hit with an explosion of vocals and noise. Powerful riffs continue throughout with strategic drops in pace followed by clever breakouts of electronics. The bass riffs paired with the vocal melodies compliment for a balanced sonic spike, a heavy take in comparison to their previous records.
We then come to track two, aptly titled ‘Pyre’. This track is such an interesting listen, the constant tricky drum rhythms compliment the pace and context of the lyrics “To wake you up to break the structure up”. Arpeggiated melodies and high end tones engulf this, and those along with with Danny’s powerful vocals make for such a strong track! The build up throughout this track brings immense anticipation with a sudden end with an airy, isolated synth. This synth is placed perfectly and leads us onto the final track; ‘Worse than the Wolf’.

A long introduction leads us into a wall of noise, layers of noise allow listeners the chance to really listen and really fall into the sounds, especially those listening through headphones. It almost encapsulates the feeling of overwhelm, when listening to the lyrics we get a feel for confusion and emotion from a possible past event, which pair with the twisting drones and eclectic soundscapes of this track. Unlike the previous two tracks, in 'Worse than the Wolf’ we are met with a heavier, meaty guitar riff that adds a contrasting texture which fits the mood of the overall sound. The order of the three tracks works well, with the build-ups becoming more and more heavier and lyrics dispersing, it is a great listen for those exploring the sound of synths paired with heavier guitars. Although there were parts were the noise overpowers the vocals slightly, the structures and use of sound is cleverly put together.
This EP is a great representation for the band’s sound, their use of noise and unpredictable buildups as the tracks develop definitely makes this a must listen! We cannot wait for the future of Masquerader and the future of their sound!
Score: 8/10
'Closer To Death' will be released on February 25th 2025.
Words: Emily Perry
Photos: Masquerader