In the last few years, the UK has seen its metalcore and hardcore scenes blossom massively, with some of the best ever releases in both subgenres coming recently, and with its popularity still growing consistently. Guildford is a real hub of this, and Polar have built themselves up twice now in the city, having recently reformed around founding member and vocalist Adam Woodford; Polar brace themselves to unleash their latest project into the world, ‘Five Arrows’. With a blend of metallic ferocity and that hardcore grit only found in the UK scene, as well as a fresh perspective, we jump in head first.

Pulling no punches and giving you a taste right away of what’s to come, ‘Five Arrows’ opens with ‘We Won’t Sleep’, a classic hardcore beatdown accompanied with bone rattling bass. This track sends a very clear message; Polar are back and they mean business. With a chorus worthy of massive chants, this cements itself early on as an anthem you’ll be hearing sang by crowds across concerts and festival circuits in summers to come, and as an incredibly strong album opener, the ferocity and energy it delivers feels like a rallying cry to fans new and old.
‘Unkillable’ quickly follows without missing a second to rest, ramping the energy up further and further, hitting you hard and fast with punishing tempo shifts. The whole track feels like a blend between hardcore riffs from bands like Guilt Trip and the early bouncy, heavy industrial sounds from The Prodigy - with a combination like that it's hard not to imagine being in the epicentre of the pit when the track drops. ‘A New Mentality’ is the third track and comfortably one of the standouts off of ‘Five Arrows’. Not only does it deliver a polished and crunchy instrumental metalcore sound, but the lyrics are just as impactful, which speak to the real destructive power of change - a theme prevalent throughout the entire album. The staying power of the track is something special too, ‘A New Mentality’ is likely to stay nested deep within your head long after the album has finished.
Thrashing our way to the halfway mark, we’re hit with ‘All Hail The Tyrant’, another standout track and one that features a relentless flow of guttural and vocal intensity as Polar bring the first half to a close. ‘Swimming With Sharks’ ushers in the second half and, though slightly down tempo compared to the first half, it is no less as effective as they embrace a more metalcore sound for the remainder of the album and bring more attention and emphasis towards the brutally honest and authentic lyricism featured. The album wraps up with the very aptly named ‘Closing Curtain’, a powerful and poetic track that stands as a clear message to the effects of change and moving forward into a fresh chapter.
Raw and unapologetic from start to finish, it’s clear that Polar has a lot to say with ‘Five Arrows’, and it is delivered with the perfect blend of crushing breakdowns and emotionally charged vocals, leaving a lasting impression even after the first listen. This is up there with Polar's best material across their whole career as a band, both before and after reforming, and stands as a testament to the excellence of not only the band, but to the UK scene as a whole. 'Five Arrows' is essential listening for fans of the band, and anyone who enjoys UK metalcore.
‘Five Arrows’ will be released on November 22nd via Arising Empire.
Words: Arcadia Craven
Photo: Pete Ray